
Consultant Opportunity Open at IOM in Tanzania

Through community empowerment, improved disaster risk reduction and management effectiveness, and strengthened disaster risk reduction capacity, the “Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction in the United Republic of Tanzania” project—funded in part by the IOM Development Fund—aims to save lives, safeguard the environment, boost the country’s economy, and promote resilience.

Title: Consultant Opportunity Open at IOM in Tanzania

The National catastrophe Risk Reduction Strategy of the United Republic of Tanzania served as the basis for the project’s development, which took into account the country’s needs and difficulties in managing catastrophe risks. Due to susceptibility variables like climate change, weather variability, asset exposure, population growth, unplanned urban developments, and environmental degradation, the nation is vulnerable to a variety of calamities. These factors impede social and economic growth by causing deaths, destruction of infrastructure, disruption of livelihoods, and environmental degradation. They also have a detrimental impact on economic development. People who are vulnerable to disasters are compelled to migrate to safer areas as a coping strategy and life-saving measure, particularly during floods and droughts.

Workplace principles like as gender equality, teamwork, diversity, integrity, a good work-life balance, and equal opportunity for everybody, including those with disabilities, are reflected in Tanzania’s UN system.

Application Process:

  1. A maximum of five pages should be included in the narrative proposal, which should include the applicant’s reasons for applying, the methodology to be used, and a suggested work plan or schedule of activities with a deadline.
  2. A budget that outlines the anticipated compensation for every deliverable.
  3. Copies of comparable assessment reports completed by the applicant, if available, and/or a letter of recommendation from a company the consultant has previously worked with.

The candidate sent their resume and completed PH form, along with three professional references and contact information, to The email address was clearly designated with the subject line “Ex-Post Evaluation for the project “Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction in The United Republic of Tanzania.”

For further information, please refer to

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