
IMF Hiring Technical Assistance Officer

IMF recruitment 2024, In this article, are you looking for IMF Hiring Technical Assistance Officer jobs opportunity in Tanzania august 2024 consider applying and read careful job summary, duties and also, Required Skills and Qualifications.

A Real Sector Statistics Advisor (RSSA) position is available in the IMF’s Statistics Department (STA) and African Regional Technical Assistance Center in East Africa (AFRITAC East), both located in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania (including Zanzibar), and Uganda are the eight nations covered by AFRITAC East. The RSSA will supervise and carry out capacity development support in actual sector statistics in these countries. The first appointment of the RSSA would be for a year, with the possibility of a three-year extension based on performance, continued budgetary and business needs, and management consent.


The successful candidate is required to:

  • Develop an annual work program and manage support on statistical capacity development (CD) in national accounts, price indices and other real sector statistics;
  • Coordinate CD activities with the relevant IMF Departments and, where appropriate, with other international institutions and bilateral agencies involved in providing technical assistance and training in real sector statistics;
  • Conduct country technical assistance missions and provide regional training primarily in national accounts and price statistics but also in other areas of real sector statistics as needed;
  • Manage and backstop missions by short-term experts;
  • Apply IMF standards and policies (and STA’s guidelines) in documenting CD activities; Monitor the implementation and evaluation of CD activities in the IMF CDMAP IT portal. and
  • Contribute to reports prepared for the AFRITAC East Steering Committee, as well as to other outreach activities that promote AFRITAC East and STA’s CD program.

At the IMF headquarters, the RSSA will operate under the general supervision of the AFRITAC East Director and the technical guidance of STA. they should be prepared to go about the area and communicate often, even virtually, with national authorities.

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The successful candidate would have:

  • Expert knowledge in national accounts statistics. Experience in at least one of the following macroeconomic statistics frameworks: balance of payments/international investment position statistics, government finance statistics, or monetary and finance statistics is considered an asset. 
  • Proven expertise in national accounts methodology and compilation, demonstrated by at least ten years professional experience.
  • An advanced degree (Masters’ or PhD) in economics, statistics, or related field. 
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
  • Strong relationship management, negotiating and influencing skills, as developing relations with national authorities are critical for the position.
  • An ability to organize and coordinate capacity development support (both technical assistance and training) with the relevant IMF Departments, short-term experts, and with other international institutions and bilateral agencies is also essential.
  • Strong drive for results with the ability to work on various projects under tight deadlines.

Applications are encouraged from female candidates and citizens of the underrepresented IMF regions (East Asia, Middle East, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa).

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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